Service Prices

How Much Does Home Care Services Cost?

Our standard pricing is based on a fully trained private carer supporting you in your home. Home care services cost can also be tailored to accommodate your personal circumstances if they fall outside of the standard pricing schedule.

We can supply 24-hour support of a live-in carer, our competitive price packages are close to that of a care home with the benefit of all care being delivered at home. Daily prices are available for temporary live-in care for less than two weeks, we remain focused on individual needs while trying to be transparent, let us know if you would like to speak to us on a one to one basis about your care requirements.

Any home care services cost set includes a free no obligation visit to discuss your situation, continual management of your care package and 24/7 support from our management team.

Can I get financial support for my home care costs?

In England, if your total assets, including most investments and savings, exceed £23,250, you may need to cover the full cost of your care. However, the value of your property is not considered when evaluating eligibility for integrated home care.

If you’re uncertain about your financial eligibility, you can request a Financial Assessment from your local council. This assessment will review your financial situation to determine if you qualify for assistance with care expenses.

  • Paying for Your Own Home Care

Many people choose to self-fund their home care services. While this might not be feasible for everyone, we are here to help you and your family develop a home care package that fits your needs and circumstances. Our aim is to ensure you receive the necessary support when it is most beneficial, and your care plan can be adjusted as needed to accommodate any changes in your preferences or requirements.

  • Direct Payment Cards

We accept Direct Payments for our services. If you receive financial assistance from social services and have opted for a direct payment arrangement, you can use these funds to cover the costs of our services.

At Care at Home Midlands we believe in being clear about our home care services cost . The following is our current hourly price list;

Day time (7am – 10pm)
£29.00 per hour
£31.00 per hour
Night time (10pm – 7am)
£29.00 per hour
£31.00 per hour
Travel charge
95p per visit
95p per visit

To ensure the quality and sustainability of our service we operate a 30-minute minimum call charge for each call. Our travel charge helps us cover travel time and other travel costs for our carers. It is charged per carer per visit.

Bank holidays will be charged at Time and a Half and Public holidays double time.

If you’d like to find out more, please call our friendly team on 0116 238 7944 or complete our contact form.

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